Graph Search Now Includes Posts and Status Updates

Starting today, Graph Search will include posts and status updates. Now you will be able to search for status updates, photo captions, check-ins and comments to find things shared with you.

Search for the topics you’re interested in and see what your friends are saying, like “Dancing with the Stars” or “Posts about Dancing with the Stars by my friends.”

Search for posts about a city, place or from a certain time, such as “Posts by my friends from last month,” “Posts written at The White House.”

Search for posts you want to see again, like “Posts I commented on” or “My posts from last year.”

As with other things in Graph Search, you can only see content that has been shared with you, including posts shared publicly by people you are not friends with. Use privacy shortcuts and Activity Log to review who can see the things you share.

This is rolling out slowly to a small group of people who currently have Graph Search and we will continue to improve this experience by listening to feedback. Learn more about looking for posts with Graph Search in the Help Center.

Additional Resources:

To learn more about Graph Search, go to

To learn about Graph Search and privacy, go to